Cairo Fresh

Valencia orange


In Stock & Ready to Ship

Quick description

Valencia orange is seasonal fruit. There are 2-3 seed present for each organic product development. Their actions are rich in tone and highly squeeze can be bit “raggy” bit in examination with navel.

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Valencia orange is seasonal fruit. There are 2-3 seed present for each organic product development. Their actions are rich in tone and highly squeeze can be bit “raggy” bit in examination with navel. There assortment as significant characteristics and it is regularly sold in Egypt. They have excellent characteristics and can be store well in refrigerator. Valencia orange are good in all over oranges.


Size (medium to enormous)
Shape ( fit as fiddle) or(round)
Appearance (smooth and meager skin) or(strip sensibly without any problem)
Flavor (it is good in taste , significant in develop organic product)

Valencia oranges in Egypt:

Valencia oranges are filled in for all intent and purposes all primary citrus developing zone, yet in addition in heat and humidities and hotter whereas navel are in admissible. Valencia oranges are exprtef from spain, Europe, Egypt, south Africa, turkey, morocco.

Difference in navel and valencia orange:


• Valencia orange are delicious and sweet tart with incredible squeezing orange
• It can be store for long term in refrigerator
• Tey are awesome in nibble on and prepared in a serving of mixed greens to give sweet taste.

Seasonal fruit:

• Navel are again seedless winter orange that start from December through march with top in january and Febuary.
• They taste bitter than valencia oranges and are extra ordinary to crunch on new insane

Valencia orange trees:

If you want juice from home plantation valencia citrus oranges are probably the best assortment. Its slight skin, bountiful juice, and rich flavour make it quite possibly the most broadly planted orange. Filling in Egypt division of agriculture plants strength zones 9 through 11. Valencia produce two harvests of orange for every year and its called late spring orange at that time. Its develop size is around 13 feets, wich is best for development.

Advantages of groeing valencia orange:

Admittance to fresh fruits:

Valencia oranges give admittance to new organic products. Witout pesticides, (if you live in cold atmosphere). These orange tree can become pretty effective inside. Its not so tough to develop/grow tem inside. But they require standard things to flourish

Upgrade in your home and mood:

Valencia orange can make your ome smell superb and lovely. They additionally add to vibe to your stylistic teme.

Cleaner air:

They are high in nutrient D wich are best for bone wellbeing.

Kidney stone prevention:

Valencia orange are best to get rid of forestall of kidney stone.


Valencia is super food for health fitness and nutrient D and minerals. It can be eaten every time with no fear.